Wednesday, May 9, 2012

tim tea-bow baggins

"I don't know how one actually would define obscenity. I'm sure the definition is different according to the age one is living in." ~Jane Alexander
I love this quote. It goes very well with the image today, you see this is a picture I took a while back of a box of tea bags I'd purchased. I bought it because I thought it hilarious that there was such a thing as "family sized" tea bags. Tea bag fun for the whole family, I of course refer to the sexual act in this instance. This particular box is special, and that's why I took and saved the picture. You see, I am a man of letters, shall we say. I send folks post through the snail mail, in fact I prefer snail mail to email because I think email is so impersonal. You can't smell the hint of smoke on an email even if I were puffing away at a pipe like my life depending on it deep in an opium den as I drift off and chase that beautifully dangerous dragon. To my point: I mailed a few used tea bags from this box to my friends. Yes, snail mail tea bags. I'm pretty sure that comes close to "defining obscenity".

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