Friday, May 11, 2012

time magazine's latest cover raises an interesting issue

"A graceful and honorable old age is the childhood of immortality." ~Pindar
via Huffington Post
Time magazine's latest cover is hotness squared. Everyone seems to be up in arms about this, even the latino fox news is chiming in and I love that they have a subdomain for their latino fans. Anyhow, if I ever have a baby momma (and we can infer that'd include a child), I want her to rock the breast feed until her pretty little heart desires. I see breastfeeding as one of the most feminine things on the planet: it's life giving and life sustaining and I'd totally mix some vodka in there and maybe some kahlua and make a white breasted russian. It'd be gross, nasty, and depraved but that's what the human condition is all about. The "white breasted russian" is my gift to you, go ask for it the next time you're out for a night on the town.

The child on the cover of the Time cover is 3 years old and who's to say that's too old for breastfeeding? I'm in my twenties and I'd give it a whirl if ever given the opportunity. It's not like I haven't had worse things in my mouth before. The 26 year old mother is kind of hot too, not just because her breast is partially exposed. If you ignore the child in the picture, I'd hit it for sure. I really don't even care that she has the child because she'd be my source of white breasted russians the whole time, I'd probably encourage her to keep up the good work if that particular drink tastes good. I'd imagine it would because normal white russians call for cream instead of milk and I know those titties are pumping out some creamy milk.

What makes it acceptable for a human to drink cow's milk? If you stop to think about it, drinking milk from a grocery store is way stranger than breast milk. Nature literally gave us (as homo sapiens) the ability to produce milk and because people are generally prudish someone somewhere along the line of history decided that we shouldn't drink the milk nature provided us and instead we should drink cows milk and then invent pills so people can actually digest it. What. The. Hell?

I was in a grocery store a few months ago and I overheard an african American couple:

Female - "We need milk, can you go over and pick up a gallon while I go to the deli?"
Male - "Bitch, what kind of asshole you think I am? I ain't getting you no cow milk, you know I won't drink that shit. It's unnatural. Get it your damn self"
He raised an excellent point and I'd like to see a rebuttal, the presumptive argument of "cows milk" is better than "human milk" is without a logical base. I'm going to go milf hunting when next I go out on the town and try and make the elusive white breasted russian and some sexy time, I suggest you do the same.

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