Monday, June 7, 2021

so it goes

 Her name was Estrella and she danced to the tune of the universe. That sounds dramatic but it's about as accurate a summary as we need for this type of story. You see, Estrella wasn't a dancer and she wasn't some type of sorceress. She was just a woman, but that's definitely trivializing things too much. 

Estrella had all the womanly qualities you'd expect in someone worth telling a story about: fair hair and soft skin with a graceful elegance. Her eyes could launch a thousand ships if she were born in another age. They were piercing, yet gentle and the corners crinkled with every pleasant thought. When you looked in them, you were lost. Only for a moment though, as time seemed to stand still and a warm embrace wrapped around you, encompassing you but tantalizing you at the same time with youthful playfulness. Mystery and magic lurked around every corner if you imagined seeing the world through such wondrous orbs. 

Her lips were divinely inspired models of cherubic delights. They enticed and allured with their beauty but the words that issued forth over their rippled crests were like music. The kind of music that you hear when a thunderstorm beckons on the horizon. It snaps you to attention so you can listen to every word. The angelic lilt accompanied the inquisitive voice and you found yourself lost in a siren's call of ideas and emotions the likes of which you've never known before or since. 

Estrella's dance was the most magical of all. It happened like a bolt of lightning and the effect was much the same. Watching her wiggle to some tune you weren't sure you were even hearing had a hair raising effect. It wasn't scary but it was filled with anticipation, like when you're about to do something exciting and you've been waiting for years for that moment. She exuded hope through every pore and you could almost smell it over her own intoxicating scents. She smelled sweet and floral and earthy like walking through the woods after a late spring rain. 

Such a cosmic being couldn't stay long, after all. Estrella wasn't meant for this monstrous world. Such magnificence can't spend much time with monstrosities or it will eventually be tainted. She's gone now, but the question remains: was she even real?

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