Thursday, June 3, 2021

familiarity breeds like a rabbit

 Comfort. Familiarity is almost the definition of comfort for a lot of people. That which is familiar isn't necessarily comfortable all the time, but there's something in our minds that just likes the routine. Some dark recess of our older brain that still wants the routine all the time because that's the easiest way to survive. Familiarity becomes part of our habits and ultimately, part of ourselves.

Stuck in a rut. Think out of the box. New experiences. Et cetera and so on. 

We acknowledge our routines and suggest to each other that sometimes all you need is a break from the ordinary to cure what ails you. That can be true, but it's more like lip balm when you should actually just drink more water. It's a shortcut method of fixing the problems in our lives. In fact, getting away from your problems or drinking your time away to forget about them for a few weeks or months at a time is no way to actually deal with them.

Familiarity also breeds contempt. If that which with you are familiar is no good, you will eventually suffer. We can take a break or a day off or go on a month long cruise but if the issue isn't resolved when we get back, the cycle repeats. Getting away can be a kind of drug and it's definitely intoxicating at times to see new things and explore but it has to be for the exploration and novelty itself. If you run from your battles they will only return, or worse, pursue you into the places where you wish to hide from their baleful gaze. 

The one thing you need to deal with the problems of familiarity is courage and they're at odds with one another and always will be. Courage and strength are needed to conquer the insidious evils of settling.

This was short. Maybe it was sweet. Here's a youtube, for certain.

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