Wednesday, August 28, 2013

who invited the red hot chili peppers?

Seriously, they're at Austin City Limits this year and I just found out they're playing Bonnaroo too. Whoever is the puppet master of that "come back" or "re-introduction to relevancy" is some sort of evil mastermind. I shudder at the thought of how truly nefarious this individual or shadowy cabal must be because it's 2012, not the 1990's and yet somehow, in some way, the Chili Peppers continue to trundle on. They're like a "pre-burned-out" version of the Rolling Stones, except terrible. They are like some sort of mythical creature that can only die if you cut its head off and separate it from the rest of the body and burn everything.

Ah, so that's much better. Before I worked myself into a frenzy of confusion over this whole "rotten peppers from the back of the vegetable drawer problem", I managed to find the above link. Young The Giant is also playing at Bonnaroo. The XX is a brit-pop kind of sensation that treads water somewhere in the back of a playlist or another I've assembled over the past couple years and are also worth a listen.

After that slight bit of introduction, I'd like to get into the real "ill-gritty" of the relevancy from earlier: Young The Giant's "remix" site. They offer stems (partial tracks, basically but with separated "sounds") for download so that any old asshole can "add their vision" to the tracks. A wonderful idea that I think was originally conceived of by those other brit-poppers, Radiohead. For their In Colours album, I could be wrong about that but I didn't bother to look into it very thoroughly because it's not that important. The above example is a great one from this type of "any asshole can join in" mentality and it works, sometimes it does not. For instance when Colbie Caillat, whose name happens to be ridiculous to spell, somehow gets involved:

I can't say for sure if I hate that or like it but here's another one, a DeadMau5/Hybrid/Young the Giant mash:

Oh, and by the way, I'd recommend taking some sort of hallucinogens before listening to those last two. Pretend like you're at Bonnaroo and go nuts. They're much better, cleaner and more palatable when you do imbibe. Or so I've heard.

Before I leave you broken, empty and wanting a refund, I'll finish off tonight's post with a mystery embed:

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