(00:45:10) dalaiTony: yo dude
(00:45:16) dalaiTony: what's funnier than a dead baby?
(00:45:18) Peter: wat up
(00:45:25) Peter: 10 dead babies
(00:45:26) dalaiTony: a dead baby in a clown costume
(00:45:33) Peter: haha
(00:45:36) Peter: now thats funny
(00:45:41) dalaiTony: a dead baby sitting next to a kid with downs syndrome
(00:45:56) dalaiTony: how do you know when a baby is a dead baby?
(00:45:56) Peter: in clown costumes
(00:46:01) dalaiTony: the dog plays with it more
(00:46:20) Peter: whats more fun than nailing a baby to a fence post
(00:46:28) dalaiTony: whats the difference between a dead baby and a trampoline?
(00:46:30) dalaiTony: i dunno
(00:46:39) Peter: ripping it off
(00:46:41) dalaiTony: but when you jump on a trampoline you normally take your boots off
(00:47:05) dalaiTony: why are test tube babies the most beautiful ones?
(00:47:09) dalaiTony: because they're hand made
(00:47:16) Peter: haha
(00:47:23) dalaiTony: what's brown and gurgles?
(00:47:27) dalaiTony: a dead baby in a casserole
(00:47:48) dalaiTony: how do you stop a baby from crawling around in circles on the floor?
(00:47:56) dalaiTony: nail its other hand to the floor
(00:48:16) Peter: what do you call 10 dead babies
(00:48:27) dalaiTony: house paint?
(00:48:35) Peter: early thanksgiving
(00:48:40) dalaiTony: well, actually it depends on how hard you throw them
(00:48:43) Peter: what do you call 10 dead black people
(00:48:47) dalaiTony: i dunno
(00:48:50) Peter: a good start
(00:48:54) dalaiTony: haha
(00:49:36) dalaiTony: how do you get 100 dead babies into a bucket?
(00:49:43) dalaiTony: with a blender. how do you get them out again?
(00:49:46) dalaiTony: with tortilla chips!
(00:50:20) dalaiTony: but why do you stick a baby in a blender feet first?
(00:50:28) dalaiTony: to see the expression on its face, of course
(00:50:44) dalaiTony: what does a baby and a pinto have in common?
(00:50:50) dalaiTony: both fun to ride until they die
(00:51:12) dalaiTony: whats the difference between a truck full of bowling balls and a truck full of dead babies?
(00:51:26) dalaiTony: you cant unload the truck full of bowling balls with a pitchfork
(00:51:59) dalaiTony: whats the difference between a dead baby and a peanut butter cup?
(00:52:06) dalaiTony: the dead baby wont stick to the roof of your mouth
(00:52:18) dalaiTony: why didnt they crucify baby jesus?
(00:52:24) dalaiTony: naw, i dont know why either
(00:52:46) dalaiTony: whats the difference between a dead baby and my girlfriend?
(00:52:52) dalaiTony: i dont kiss my girlfriend after sex
(00:53:11) dalaiTony: whats the difference betwen a grandmother and a baby?
(00:53:21) dalaiTony: grandmothers dont die when you fuck em in the ass
(00:53:41) dalaiTony: whats worse than a dead baby in a trashcan/
(00:53:47) dalaiTony: a traschcan in a dead baby
(00:54:06) dalaiTony: how many dead babies can fit in a barrel?
(00:54:10) dalaiTony: 4 and a half
(00:54:27) dalaiTony: what goes plop plop fizz fizz?
(00:54:31) dalaiTony: twins in an acid bath
(00:54:47) dalaiTony: oh, what is red and creeps up your leg?
(00:54:51) dalaiTony: a homesick abortion
(00:55:25) dalaiTony: what can a blind, deaf, quadraplegic baby get for christmas?
(00:55:27) dalaiTony: cancer
(00:55:57) dalaiTony: whats worse than smoking pot with a baby?
(00:56:02) dalaiTony: making a bong out of it
(00:56:21) dalaiTony: difference btwn dead baby and styrofoam cup?
(00:56:35) dalaiTony: dead baby doesnt harm atmosphere when you burn it
(00:57:49) dalaiTony: red and bubbly and scratches at the window before exploding?
(00:57:54) dalaiTony: baby in a microwave
(00:58:10) dalaiTony: whats grosser than gross?
(00:58:20) dalaiTony: a garbage can full of dead babies
(00:58:24) dalaiTony: whats grosser than that?
(00:58:30) dalaiTony: the one at the bottom is still alive
(00:58:34) dalaiTony: whats grosser than that?
(00:58:39) dalaiTony: he has to eat his way to freedom
(00:58:43) dalaiTony: whats grosser than that?
(00:58:47) dalaiTony: he goes back for seconds
(00:59:17) dalaiTony: whats harder to do than nailing a dead baby to a tree?
(00:59:25) dalaiTony: nailing it to a dead puppy
(00:59:47) dalaiTony: what do you get when you cut a baby?
(00:59:50) dalaiTony: an erection
(01:00:43) dalaiTony: how do you make a dead baby float?
(01:00:49) dalaiTony: add two scoops of ice cream
(01:02:01) dalaiTony: ok im spent
(01:02:47) Peter: I printed that out
(01:02:53) dalaiTony: hahahaha
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