In just a few short days the 44th president of the United States will be sworn in and told to protect America and to do whatever he can to serve this country and its institutions. He will be charged with fighting the "Frozen War," the secret war that America has been involved with since the "end" of the Cold War. The new president will be told that not only do aliens exist, but they live in Amish Country, and they walk among us everyday and hate to have their picture taken. The president will be told the truth behind the Kennedy assassination. Actually, no. The American government, as it turns out, really thinks Oswald was their guy. The newest President will of course be Barack Obama, the people's hope for a change.
Some of those people may have noticed that the future Mr. President is black, I know I did. Though I'm not sure who is responsible for the security and/or planning for this event, I love their attention to detail. I don't know how I ought to be feeling about these pictures, but they make me laugh, should I be laughing? I decided that I needed to investigate further, so I checked out the article that goes with these pictures and let me tell you, it did not disappoint.
Pictured to the left are the two Obama children stand-ins with the faux Mrs. Obama seated next to them. Behind and to the right is what I can only hope is the bizarro doppelganger of the future Mrs. V.P. If they went with any criteria for casting the stand-ins besides "skin color" then I can look forward to four years of Biden's wife mean-mugging television cameras, senators and assorted dignitaries from around the world. Of course, if the faux important people were carefully chosen for their likenesses, we can all look forward to Conan O'Brien representin' at the inauguration (he's standing to the far right in the first photo.)
Last January I made a bet with my Granddad concerning the 2008 presidential election. At the time, it was still unclear who the candidates would be, but I said "Old Man, I bet you a hundred dollars that McCain beats Obama in November." My information came from a very reliable source, and he's never been wrong before. The challenge was accepted and I lost. You probably knew that though, from looking at the above pictures. So it was, on the fifth of November, right after I was done rolling all those pennies to pay my Granddad, I did some research on this new president. As it turns out, he's not a bad guy, I just hope he doesn't get us into any quagmires.
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