ABC's website is a fine piece of machinery. A guy could really get LOST on there, if you know what I'm saying. The best feature of ABC's website is their episode viewer. The second best feature is pictured below: The Sawyer Nickname Generator. I feel all right with my nickname: Colonel Kurtz is Marlon Brando's character from Apocalypse Now, one of my favorite movies.
Full episodes of LOST (or those crap other shows) are available to watch whenever you want. Personally, I've rigged up a system where LOST plays on my television (through the computer) and the sound comes through my stereo, but I'm serious about LOST so I feel obligated to go the extra mile. The best part about the episodes on their website is that they are "Presented with limited commercials." Normally whenever you hear this it's a huge lie, but every episode of LOST that I've watched has had less than two total minutes of ads. It's a wonderful business model because it feels like just the right amount of ad-time during each episode. I normally never feel like I'm watching too many commercials, except for one time earlier today.
Episode 8 of Season 1 was presented to me with limited commercials by Applebee's. Firstly, I'd like to say that I don't hate Applebee's, I think it's a nice enough place. I do hate hearing about "America's #1 Sirloin" or "America's Best-Selling Steak" though. I don't care who you are or where you're from, a $9.99 steak being billed as anywhere near #1 anything is just ludicrous. I remember an incident last year when my family and I were dining at the Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar and my dad ordered a steak. Looking up from my menu, I shot him a look that said "You serious, Clark?" but he didn't catch it. As the waitress was finishing taking orders, I gave her mine and my grandfather was next. He says "You know what? I'll have a steak too." I looked across the table and saw that at least my mother and I were on the same page as she was giving her husband and father her own version of the "You serious, Clark?" Keep in mind that this was last year, well before the special for cheap steak, so these two ordered Applebee's steak for the sake of ordering Applebee's steak. I had to ask: "What would possess you to order steak, here, at Crapplebee's?" Both gentleman responded that I didn't know what I was talking about and the steaks that they ordered were going to be just fine. I shrugged and let it go, but when those steaks were finally served up and dad and granddad were both complaining about how it wasn't what they expected, I was obligated to give a little "I told you so" speech, even though I waited until after they'd ordered to "tell them so."
Things may have changed, but I sincerely doubt that there will ever come a day I order steak from Applebee's.

This corn diet problem that I have with the beef industry is just a spill-over from the issues I have with the corn industry, but I'll save that for another day. Until then, I hope everyone keeps warm this weekend. Burn down a corn silo to help you stay warm, I heard those things are crazy flammable, but be careful.
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