Imagine you're on a camping trip having the absolute worst time of your life. Disregarding the fact that you've chosen to sleep in a tent when (presumably) you have a roof somewhere you could sleep under instead, this imaginary camping trip is even worse. The drive was a nightmare and you're pretty sure you got poison ivy on your ass. To add further injuries and insults, you've been arguing about everything. Why would you ever agree to go camping with such a toxic person?
Before we go any further, no sane person would ever agree to go camping. Who wants to shit in the woods when you have your home throne upon which you can dispense your daily business? On top of that, you're clearly not sane because this imaginary camping trip was a solo adventure.
Setting aside all this hyperbole and weirdly specific rants about camping, if you can't stand to be with yourself then everything else is going to be wrong. You could have not exposed your bare ass to a dirty weed that causes immense suffering. You could have made your gypsy (GPS) give you directions. You could have said "Camping is for sasquatches" like any normal person and stayed near home.
My point, elusive as it may seem, is that you need to agree to be a hater. If you don't like your self, you can change. You can stop trying so hard, you can cure what ails your mind, or hell, you can even try harder. There's a lot of options we have to bring harmony into our own lives. That might be a recurring theme here but I can't say for sure just yet because this is only the second time I've written anything in years.
You see, if there's a poison in your life then you need to find the cure. Within ourselves there can be any number of real, imagined, or metaphorical poisons. My medicine man* always prescribes "Smoke more weed" but I realize that doesn't work for everyone. It also doesn't work for some snake bites. What does work for everyone is my personal trick on how to deal with toxicity from the snakes in your life.
Are you constantly arguing with someone? Do you have someone in your life that seems to always be scheming on you? Are you always being told you're a disappointment? That kind of disharmony has a really simple fix. Ignore them.
Ignoring an actual snake is probably a good idea too, because you are most likely invading their area and not the other way around (except for toilet snakes). Ignore the snake and leave. I think you should also ignore the toilet snake and leave as well. You can get a new toilet. Ignoring a snake bite is a terrible idea, I think. I forget what my medicine man said. Ignoring your haters, however, is the best idea you've ever had.
A few things will happen. They can ignore you back and then you've successfully excised your poison. They can get heightened hatred and expose a weakness for you to exploit and then you've successfully excised your poison. They can re-think their flawed worldview that made them hate you in the first place and then you've also successfully excised your poison.
Could you tell I liked the way "successfully excised" sounded? But those scenarios all have that sweet sounding end scene where the toxicity in your life has been handled. I realize there are times where you can't just ignore those toxic people in your life because of, well, reasons. You can still ignore their toxicity. You don't have to cure them of anything, you just have to cure the toxic in your life.
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