Monday, April 23, 2012

no real point to any of this

"By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community." ~Oscar Wilde
I imagine the average reader of Fox news isn't the most intelligent in the world, but apparently the editors over there think their readers are among the least intelligent. I stumbled across an article about the cause of brain freeze recently, Fox News reports a Harvard Medical School study revealed the cause to be ... cold. I'm glad someone needed to dress up in a lab coat and spectacles to determine the source of brain freeze. Brain freeze is a natural reaction of the brain when exposed to cold. When the wisdom of the masses fails us, we'll always have the Harvard Medical School to solve the great mysteries of the universe.

On the other hand, some of the "high-end" research this medical yokel could be performing are only legal in the United States and Gabon. While reading this article about the good old chimpanzees and the misfortunes and pitfalls they must suffer through to bring us high quality make up and cancer drugs, I found out that America and Gabon are the only two nations that allow "invasive bio-medical research". My question for scientists is this: if you can experiment on monkeys like we're in a third world country, what kind of asshole can't cure cancer? Pump the chimps full of every known chemical until something sticks, if there's no rules, how can the medical community justify being so useless? A thousand chimps trapped in a room for a thousand days with thousands of chemicals could cure cancer on their own, I'd imagine though I'm no statistician.

Speaking of misconduct, there's another 20/20 investigation type story about rapes and such in the military again. It's all date-rapes from what I can tell and I'm more or less on the fence on that issue. See, I've been taken advantage of plenty of times in my life but because I have a penis and a drinking problem people write it off as if I'm some kind of drunken Lothario out and about on the town instead of an inebriated victim of predatory female sexuality. It's all a manner of perspective, though I suppose any unwanted advances are bad, some are more tolerable than others. The whole notion of "totally unwanted advances" is lost in translation after a few drinks. I like to play nice so I tend to chat up whoever is near, if that happens to be some wild vixen lady of the evening and she wants to bed me or wed me and it results in a feeling the next morning of quasi-self-hatred and regret, feeling used and unloved, who's fault is it really? It's not white and black, but generally speaking when someone says "Yo, get off me bro", it's a sign of violation. The violation is what makes the whole thing so wicked, it's the used up feeling that takes a long time to get used to.

No, there is no real point to any of this, I'm basically just typing words.

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