Friday, June 29, 2007

Another fun day.

Day 2 (belatedly):

Some stuff happened yesterday and the main reason that I didn't post anything fun is that I had to take a jesus walk all around town.

Went to jail. Not the real jail, of course, but the old kind. The kind that has been converted to a national park, Alcatraz, seen to the right.

The jail island was a grand old time, though I was repeatedly warned to 'not mess with the birds' and in olden times, this would have obviously meant the 'jailbirds' but not on this fine day. The sea gulls, nature's hobos, had inhabited the island and are apparently not to be trifled with as there were multiple warnings that these fowl should be left to themselves.

In a word, I can sum up the Alcatraz experience: boring. It's a hike to the top of the hill and there's a bunch of busted up buildings and jail cells that you're not allowed to play in. Basically, a disappointment. Though it's nice to know firsthand that the place kind of sucked.

Lunch was on some pier and then we went to Ghirardelli's Square or whatever it's called, the chocolate place. I enjoyed this because I caught a sweet pic for my grandpa of this mermaid's titties. Glory be to the titties. Glory be.

Probably the highlight of my day came on our way back to the hotel. I guess it was an afternoon rush or something because there was an ass-load of people waiting for the cable car. Apparently whenever a group of people form in San Francisco for whatever reason, the homeless flock to the opportunity. We waited and waited in line for the cable cars to slowly load up the crowd, as someone who looked like Jerry Garcia sang songs and plucked his banjo for the masses. After a while a stranger came... Escape man. This will speak for itself.

And some video below:

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