There's all kinds of history that abounds in regards to the redwood trees, like how they're big and reddish and people like them. They were ok, I wasn't nearly as impressed as I had hoped to be, though I guess they are the biggest trees I've seen that I can remember. This picture doesn't really showcase the size of the trees as well as a 'I'm standing right next to one' type of picture might, but I'll be damned if I don't think it looks pretty cool.
After the adventures in the woods, and having to endure the pain I picked up in my leg from walking around the other day in my broke ass boots, we traveled to a little valley called Sonoma where they love wine.
The winery we visited was pretty awesome, it was a 'community day' or some such bullshit and so they were giving away all kinds of free food and instead of just being able to taste the wines, you could drink as much as you wanted. I didn't go crazy with the wine drinking because real wine, from a bottle, not from the box, makes me sleepy.
There's a couple more pictures I want to share, but I don't have much to say about them.
No sweet escape man today. Sorry.