Thursday, June 21, 2012

angry alec and the zombie walk of shame

Alec is my favorite of the Baldwin clan for reasons such as the above photo. He's fierce like a lion drag queen and not only does he know how to ruffle the feathers of those invasive photographers, he can really bust a rant on the old twitter:

I can also commiserate with his inability to string up a catchy hashtag, as some of you may know from my failed attempts at making #zombiewalkofshame into the internet phenomenon it ought to be. The "Zombie Walk of Shame" was originally coined when I was on my own walk of shame (to work, no less) and in my hazy shade of early morning I witnessed what appeared to be another "zombie" walking out of the county morgue in nothing but a bathrobe. Now, either there was a rockin' party at the morgue the night before or the dead were walking about - both of which can be viewed as either shameful or apocalyptic. The "zombie walk of shame" would later take on a broader meaning until it now encompasses any real early morning misadventures or outrageous examples of the classic "walk of shame". 

I'm of the school of thought that there exists no such thing as a "walk of shame" though, because there's nothing shameful about enjoying the evening to the fullest extent of your ability. It may not be proper to go out terrorizing the town and sleeping with whatever warm body you can find but I'm not here to judge and I'm certainly not the moral police. It's been my experience that no matter how "up and up" some folks may seem, they have their own fair share of skeletons in their closet and little room to cast the first stone. There may have even been a bible verse or two discussing that same issue, I can't be sure because my bible(s) are in the bottom of a box or bin somewhere, stored there for safe keeping, of course.

Written by: Javier Nelson

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