"So this is the new year, well I don't feel any different"
Normally I don't like bands with long names because they always sound pretentious, but Death Cab for Cutie is one of my personal favorites.
I've got the 'it's a new year blues'. For the past couple years or so they have all started with a mean hangover tinged with fear. The hangover for obvious reasons, since new year's eve is one of only a handful of eves with an asterisk attached to it saying that it's all right to get belligerent and act the fool. The fear may not be so obvious, but it is related to the asterisk, the question I'd always ask myself was how much of a fool did I act? Apprehension, mostly, thinking that maybe I did something bad.
This year, instead of the headache and dry mouth, I awoke to the clinking of dishes and a surprisingly bright sun shining in my window. My grandfather was already up, as usual, and doing some dishes in the kitchen. It was a pleasant morning, as I showered, the idea of washing everything away popped into my head. The sins of the past year and the wrongs that I had done or were done to me slowly swirling round down the drain. As quickly as the idea floated into my head, it floated out. Let's face it, that kind of thinking is just a skip over the dandy river into full blown homosexuality.
I decided instead, in less dramatic fashion and fully clothed, that I should just treat it like any other year. As a wise man told me, it really is just another day. I started off without a resolution, but I've found a resolution in my own absolution. Looking forward to 2007, I don't have any high reaching aspirations, but I do think that things might be a little different. At any rate, there will be more to come, look forward to it.